What we can do to be Cyber Safe
Risks Relating to Online Gaming
CourseModule 5 explores online gaming risks and mitigation strategies. We emphasize the importance of understanding young gamers' perspectives and implementing necessary safety measures to protect them online.
Why is Cyber Safety so Important?
CourseIn Module 2, we emphasise the crucial role of Cyber Safety for foster and kinship carers. We highlight the necessity of understanding online risks and nurturing secure connections to protect children in both physical and digital environments.
Cyber Bullying
CourseIn Module 3, we delve into cyber bullying, its definition, and its unique challenges for children in care. We emphasise recognising signs, fostering connections, and empowering caregivers to address cyber bullying effectively.
Social Media
CourseModule 4 emphasises social media's impact on children & equips caregivers with strategies for online safety. Empowering caregivers to engage in open dialogue, the module promotes informed decision-making & safer online experiences for children.
What is Cyber Safety?
CourseIn this six part series, the first module outlines what cyber safety is and why it's important to know about it in relation to the children and young people in our care.