Trauma and Disaster Recovery Training Series - Module 1
CourseIn this four part series, the first module explores stress: what it is and how it feels. Learn the differences between stress, trauma and loss and how to acknowledge natural disasters and their collective nature, effects and impacts.
Trauma and Disaster Recovery Training Series - Module 2
CourseModule 2 in the TDR series explores how children in out of home care, foster carers and biological families may wish to be cared for during and after a natural disaster, and the importance of self care and information sharing are also discussed.
Trauma and Disaster Recovery Training Series - Module 3
CourseLearn why information sharing during a natural disaster is critical and how to build a disaster response plan. Explore how to recognise what trauma might look like for a child in your care and learn tools to help manage big emotions.
Trauma and Disaster Recovery Training Series - Module 4
CourseDesigned for children and young people, this module looks at what natural disasters are, who they affect and how children and young people may feel during and after experiencing a natural disaster.