Trauma and Disaster Recovery Training Series - Module 2
CourseModule 2 in the TDR series explores how children in out of home care, foster carers and biological families may wish to be cared for during and after a natural disaster, and the importance of self care and information sharing are also discussed.
Trauma and Disaster Recovery Training Series - Module 3
CourseLearn why information sharing during a natural disaster is critical and how to build a disaster response plan. Explore how to recognise what trauma might look like for a child in your care and learn tools to help manage big emotions.
Trauma and Disaster Recovery Training Series - Module 4
CourseDesigned for children and young people, this module looks at what natural disasters are, who they affect and how children and young people may feel during and after experiencing a natural disaster.
CourseThis masterclass provides you with a firm understanding of the importance of renewals/reviews including tips on how to gather evidence using a variety of assessment tools and how to respectfully engage with applicants to assess self-awareness.
What's Identity Got To Do With It?
CourseInstantly accessible! This pre-recorded session will help you to understand the importance of identity, why it matters to children & how you can foster positive identity development for children &/or young people in your care.
Understand and Support Family Contact
CourseAccess this course right now to improve your knowledge and understanding to support family contact within the foster care system.